
Hangin’ with Deanna!

Today I’m hanging out over at Deanna Raybourn’s blog! Come over and check out my post about having fun in December. Or if you’ve come over HERE from her blog, feel free to leave a comment, look around, and have a good time.

To enter the giveaway for a $50 Amazon gift card, drop a comment about your favorite December memory. Winner will be chosen randomly on December 23rd and gift card will be delivered via email.

*please note that comments are moderated/approved so it may take some time before your comment appears on the blog*

15 thoughts on “Hangin’ with Deanna!”

  1. Lots of great December memories and of course many of them with the family. Once, my dad and I started snowball fighting and before we knew it grandma joined us. We kind of started a tradition of playing in the snow every year since then and up until she decided to play with the angels in heaven instead 😉


  2. my favorite December memory was when my daughter was little i took her to a local place that has a train and thousands of Christmas lights and i loved seeing her face light up when she saw everything.


  3. I have a little nephew, and a couple of years ago he was SO EXCITED by all the presents that he started opening everyone’s… Seeing his face light up and feeling all the excitement – it made everything new and shiny again. Kids are the best, so long as you can send them home when you’re done with them.


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