10th Anniversary Tour, Romance

2023 Advent Day Six: Fates for Apate

Fill out the form below for a chance to win a copy of my 6th published book, also from March 2014, Fates for Apate. It is one of my favorite books to re-read, and even inspired my favorite tea from Adagio. If you just can’t wait to win, you can grab a copy at your favorite etailer.

Giveaway Form:

10th Anniversary Tour, Romance

2023 Advent Day Five: American Werechaun in Dublin

Fill out the form below for a chance to win a copy of my fourth published and first co-written book, from March 2014, American Werechaun in Dublin. Writing this book with Andy was one of the most fun panics I’ve ever experienced in my life. He finished the trilogy over the next couple of years, and it is an awesome collection of fun urban fantasies. If you just can’t wait to win, you can grab a copy at your favorite etailer.

Giveaway Form:

10th Anniversary Tour, Romance

2023 Advent Day Four: Fortune Said

Fill out the form below for a chance to win a copy of my fourth published book, From February 2014, Fortune Said. If you just can’t wait, you can grab a copy at your favorite etailer for 99-cents.

Giveaway Form:

10th Anniversary Tour, Romance

2023 Advent Day Three: A Common Christmas

Fill out the form below for a chance to win a copy of my third published book, A Common Christmas. It was originally published in December 2013. If you just can’t wait, you can grab a copy at your favorite etailer or via my Ko-fi page for 99-cents.

Giveaway Form:

10th Anniversary Tour, Romance

2023 Advent Day Two: Athena’s Ordeal

Welcome to the second day of my Advent Calendar! Fill out the form below for a chance to win a copy of my second book Athena’s Ordeal. It was originally published in August 2013. Or you can grab a copy for $2.99 at the platform of your choice at this Books2Read link.

Giveaway Form:

10th Anniversary Tour, Romance

Little London Advent

While I was putting together a graphic for something I realized that as of this year, my 10th anniversary of my first book, I’ve published 25 books! What a perfect time to do an Advent Calendar Giveaway!

So I’m going to giveaway one e-book a day, in chronological order. It gives me a chance to highlight all these books from over the last ten years! The first book, however, is free almost anywhere, so you can grab your copy via this Books2Read link. Enter today’s giveaway, though, if you want a chance to win THE WHOLE ENCHILADA as a holiday surprise.

Giveaway Form:

10th Anniversary Tour

Hello, Gorgeous

No, I’m not going to have the hubris to call 2023 ‘my year’ or any nonsense like that. Time is a Clever Girl and she will eat you eventually, but I thought it might be nice to flirt with this year, be friendly, see what she is about before renouncing her to be the satan that her recent siblings have been. Sure, she started off with Mercury and Mars in Retrograde, but sometimes rough starts yield the sweetest results.

I was just reading over on my friend Sophie Couch’s blog about The Magic of a Calendar Filled with Intention. She said she calls her planner her ‘Spell Book’ and have to admit that hit me in my feels. Since my husband gave me a seriously awesome leather planner for Christmas (it is purple with gold astrological constellations on it and has cool little exercises), it feels like it’s all coming together. And, you know, I love it when a plan comes together. My intention this year, if nothing else, is to Be More Awesome. *throws sparkles*

Pretty much the first thing I did this year was send my editor a list of the books I want to finish in 2023, so hopefully that will help manifest a productive year. Not going to say too much because my enthusiasm always gets the best of me. This year gonna try a little less talk and a lot more action.

2023 is also my 10th anniversary of publishing my first book. Woot! So there will definitely be a few Activities and Celebrations. If you have ideas about what I should do, feel free to post them here or drop me an email, social media response, whatevs. I’m flexible.

Thank you for hanging out with me all these years!